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In Greek mythology, the river Styx links our world with the beyond.

STYX also connects the Latin words stylo ("with a pen") and excitare ("inspire"). That is what STYX is all about. Just like the river flows from our world to the beyond, STYX goes beyond the scope with fascinating, motivating, and inspiring content!



I am Henning Polanz, a copywriter, ghostwriter, and editor.

My passion for writing began with the realization that letters have another purpose than just floating around in alphabet soup. Quickly, I discovered that words are particularly good at getting to the point of what matters:


With the captivating story that needs to be told, the slogan that burns itself into memory like a catchy tune, or perhaps just with a single electrifying word.


STYX Textstudio is the place where letters and words show their potential. Here, I craft content that is music to the ears of target audiences.



When it's about becoming visible and standing out from the crowd, it's not just about WHAT I say. It's also about HOW I say it.


I need to speak the language of my target audience so my words can dock and have an impact. Because every target group thinks, feels, and communicates in its own way. "One fits all"-communication doesn't work here.


Music to one person's ears may be annoying noise to another. Like a lock only opens with the proper key, target audiences require the right words.


STYX acts like a chameleon, adapting to its environment and delivering enticing content that CLICKS.

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